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Safe Driving Contract


Driving is an essential part of modern life. Unfortunately, it can also be dangerous. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2019 alone, there were more than 36,000 fatalities caused by motor vehicle accidents in the United States. The good news is that many of these accidents can be prevented by following some simple safety guidelines. One way to encourage safe driving is by creating a “safe driving contract” among friends, family, and coworkers. In this article, we will explore what a safe driving contract is, how to create one, and why it’s essential.

What Is a Safe Driving Contract?

A safe driving contract is an agreement that outlines the driving behavior that is expected of all parties involved. It is a written or verbal agreement that sets expectations for drivers, passengers, and even parents of teen drivers. The contract typically includes guidelines on how to operate a vehicle safely, including avoiding distracted driving, obeying traffic laws, and wearing seatbelts.

Creating a Safe Driving Contract

Creating a safe driving contract is relatively straightforward. Here are some of the key elements to consider:

1. Identify the parties involved: Start by identifying everyone who will be driving or riding in the car.

2. Agree on the terms: Discuss the terms of the contract, including the rules and expectations.

3. Sign the contract: Once everyone has agreed on the terms, print out the contract and have everyone sign it.

4. Display the contract: Display the contract in a visible location in the car, such as on the dashboard or backseat.

Why a Safe Driving Contract is Important

There are many reasons why a safe driving contract is essential. Here are some of the key reasons:

1. Safety: The most important reason for a safe driving contract is safety. By agreeing to follow the guidelines outlined in the contract, drivers can significantly reduce their risk of accidents.

2. Accountability: A safe driving contract holds everyone accountable for their actions. By signing the contract, everyone agrees to be responsible for their behavior and to follow the rules.

3. Education: A safe driving contract provides an opportunity to educate drivers and passengers on safe driving practices.

4. Liability: In the event of an accident, a safe driving contract can help protect everyone involved from liability.


Driving is a privilege that comes with significant responsibility. By creating a safe driving contract, drivers, passengers, and parents can help ensure that everyone stays safe on the road. Remember, safe driving practices not only protect you and your passengers, but they also keep everyone else on the road safe too. So, before you hit the road, consider creating a safe driving contract to help keep everyone accountable and safe.