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  • 2022年3月31日


    A partnership agreement is a legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of partners in a business. In New South Wales (NSW), such agreements are governed by the Partnership Act 1892. This act sets out the rules and regulations that govern partnerships and outlines the responsibilities of each partner.

    A partnership is defined as a business arrangement where multiple parties come together to form a single entity. Each partner contributes to the business in some way, whether it be through financial investment, skills, or resources. The partnership agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership, including the management of the business, the distribution of profits and losses, and the responsibilities of each partner.

    The partnership agreement is an important document that can help prevent disputes between partners. It sets out clear guidelines for how the business will be run and how decisions will be made. It can also help protect the interests of each partner and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.

    In NSW, the Partnership Act 1892 sets out the minimum requirements for a partnership agreement. This includes the names of all partners, the name of the partnership, the nature of the business, and the duration of the partnership. However, it is recommended that partners seek legal advice and draft a more detailed agreement that covers all aspects of the partnership.

    When drafting a partnership agreement, it is important to consider the following:

    1. Roles and responsibilities: Define the roles and responsibilities of each partner, including their financial contributions and management responsibilities.

    2. Profit and loss distribution: Outline how profits and losses will be distributed among partners.

    3. Decision-making: Define the decision-making process for the partnership, including how disputes will be resolved.

    4. Termination: Define the circumstances under which the partnership can be terminated, including the duration of the partnership.

    5. Intellectual property: Address ownership and use of intellectual property related to the business.

    In conclusion, a partnership agreement is a critical document for any business operating as a partnership. It sets out the terms and conditions of the partnership, defines the roles and responsibilities of each partner, and helps prevent disputes. Partners in NSW should seek legal advice when drafting an agreement to ensure compliance with the Partnership Act 1892 and to cover all aspects of their partnership.

  • 2022年3月29日


    Stamp duty is a tax that is imposed on various legal documents, including property transactions. When buying or selling a property, the sale is not considered legally binding until the exchange of contracts. This exchange signifies that the buyer and seller have agreed to the terms of the sale and are ready to proceed with the purchase.

    Many people wonder whether stamp duty is payable on the exchange of contracts. The answer to this question is no. Stamp duty is only payable on the completion of the sale, which is when the property is legally transferred from the seller to the buyer.

    However, it is important to note that the exchange of contracts is a crucial step in the property buying process. It is at this point that the buyer typically pays a deposit, which is usually around 10% of the purchase price. This deposit is held by the seller’s solicitor until completion of the sale.

    It is also important to remember that if the sale falls through after the exchange of contracts, the deposit may be forfeited. This is why it is important for buyers to ensure that they are completely satisfied with the property and the terms of the sale before exchanging contracts.

    In summary, stamp duty is not payable on the exchange of contracts, but it is a crucial step in the property buying process. Buyers should ensure they are completely satisfied with the property and the terms of the sale before exchanging contracts and paying the deposit. Only once the sale has been completed will stamp duty be payable.

  • 2022年3月17日


    As the telecommunications industry continues to grow and expand, the need for efficient and effective infrastructure has become increasingly important. One way to achieve this is through the use of standardised wayleave agreements.

    A wayleave agreement is a legal document that allows a third party to access and use a piece of land or property for a specific purpose. In the case of telecommunications, this allows companies to install and maintain infrastructure such as cables and antennas on private property.

    Standardising these agreements ensures consistency and clarity for both property owners and telecommunications companies. It helps to streamline the process of negotiating and obtaining access, reducing costs and improving efficiency.

    This is particularly important in areas where multiple telecommunications companies operate, as it ensures fair and equal access to infrastructure. Standardisation also ensures that all parties understand their obligations and responsibilities, reducing the likelihood of disputes arising.

    Standardised wayleave agreements can also improve the overall quality of infrastructure. By ensuring that all installation and maintenance procedures are consistent, telecommunications companies can reduce the risk of damage to property and equipment.

    For property owners, standardised wayleave agreements provide clarity in terms of what they are agreeing to, what rights they have, and what their obligations are. This can help to alleviate concerns around safety, liability and compensation.

    In conclusion, standardised wayleave agreements are an important tool for the telecommunications industry. They provide clarity and consistency for both property owners and telecommunications companies, reducing costs and improving efficiency. By streamlining the process of negotiating and obtaining access to private property, telecommunications companies can ensure that their infrastructure is of the highest quality while property owners can be confident that their rights and obligations are clearly defined.

  • 2022年3月15日


    A deposit refundable contract is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a deposit paid by one party to another. Typically used in real estate transactions, this type of contract ensures that a buyer has the option to receive their deposit back if a seller fails to meet certain conditions.

    The purpose of a deposit refundable contract is to protect both parties in a transaction. The buyer has the security of knowing that they can get their money back if the seller does not fulfill their duties, while the seller can feel confident that the buyer is serious about the transaction and will not back out without good reason.

    One common example of a deposit refundable contract is in the purchase of a home. If a buyer makes an offer on a home and the offer is accepted, they typically must put down a deposit to show that they are committed to the purchase. The deposit will be held by a third party, such as an escrow company, until the sale is finalized.

    The terms of the deposit refundable contract will specify the conditions under which the deposit can be refunded. For example, if the buyer is unable to obtain financing for the purchase, they may be eligible for a full or partial refund. Similarly, if the seller fails to disclose certain defects in the property, the buyer may be entitled to a refund.

    It is important to note that the deposit refundable contract does not negate any other legal obligations or requirements related to the transaction. Instead, it serves as an additional layer of protection for both parties. It is also important to work with a qualified attorney when drafting or reviewing a deposit refundable contract to ensure that all necessary terms and conditions are included and that it complies with applicable laws and regulations.

    In conclusion, a deposit refundable contract is an important tool for protecting the interests of both buyers and sellers in a transaction. By clearly outlining the conditions under which a deposit can be refunded, this type of contract provides an additional layer of security and peace of mind for all parties involved.