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Cherokee Indian Agreement


The Cherokee Indian Agreement: Understanding Its Key Features

The Cherokee Indian Agreement is a historic treaty that was signed in the late 1800s between the United States government and the Cherokee Nation. This agreement is still relevant today as it established certain rights and legal precedents that continue to shape the relationship between the Cherokee people and the US government. As a copy editor with experience in SEO, I have researched and compiled some key information about the Cherokee Indian Agreement to help readers understand its historical significance and modern-day implications.


The Cherokee Nation is one of the largest tribes in the United States, with a population of over 300,000 people. The tribe is based primarily in Oklahoma, but also has members throughout the country. The Cherokee have a rich history and cultural heritage that dates back thousands of years, and they have played a crucial role in shaping US history.

In the early 1800s, the US government began to exert control over Cherokee land in what is now Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. This land had been granted to the Cherokee through several treaties dating back to the late 1700s. However, the US government claimed that the Cherokee were not using the land efficiently and that it would be better served if it were in the hands of white settlers.

In 1830, the US government passed the Indian Removal Act, which authorized the forced removal of Native American tribes, including the Cherokee, from their ancestral lands in the southeastern United States. This resulted in the infamous Trail of Tears, in which thousands of Cherokee people died due to harsh conditions and lack of proper resources.

The Treaty

In 1866, after the end of the Civil War, the US government negotiated a treaty with the Cherokee Nation. This treaty, known as the Cherokee Indian Agreement, established several key provisions that helped to protect the interests of the Cherokee people. These included:

1. Recognition of Cherokee citizenship: The treaty recognized all members of the Cherokee Nation as US citizens with the same rights and privileges as any other American citizen.

2. Land rights: The treaty established the boundaries of the Cherokee Nation and guaranteed that the land would be held in trust for the tribe`s use and benefit.

3. Financial compensation: The US government agreed to pay the Cherokee Nation an annual annuity as compensation for the land that had been taken from them in the past.

4. Education: The treaty required the US government to provide education and other services to the Cherokee people to help them integrate into American society.

Modern-Day Implications

The Cherokee Indian Agreement continues to have significant implications for the Cherokee people and the US government today. The recognition of Cherokee citizenship, for example, has allowed the tribe to participate in American democracy and to advocate for their rights as citizens. The land rights established by the treaty also protect the Cherokee Nation`s sovereignty and cultural heritage, which are crucial to their identity as a people.

The financial compensation provided by the US government has also been an important source of funding for the Cherokee Nation. This funding has supported a wide range of programs and services, including health care, education, and economic development.


The Cherokee Indian Agreement is a historic treaty that has played a crucial role in shaping the relationship between the Cherokee people and the US government. While it was signed over 150 years ago, its provisions continue to influence modern-day policies and practices. As a copy editor with SEO experience, I hope that this article has helped readers to gain a deeper understanding of the Cherokee Nation`s history and the significance of the Cherokee Indian Agreement.