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What Would Make a Contract Unenforceable


When entering into a contract, it is important to ensure that all aspects of the agreement are legally enforceable. However, there are certain situations where a contract may be deemed unenforceable. In this article, we will explore some common reasons why a contract may be considered unenforceable.

1. Lack of Capacity

For a contract to be legally binding, all parties involved must have the capacity to enter into an agreement. For example, if one of the parties is a minor or has a mental incapacity, they may lack the capacity to enter into a contract. In such cases, the contract would be deemed unenforceable.

2. Illegal Subject Matter

A contract that involves an illegal subject matter would also be unenforceable. For instance, if two parties agree to engage in drug trafficking, no court would enforce such a contract. Similarly, a contract that involves bribery or other criminal activities would not be enforced by any court of law.

3. Undue Influence

If one of the parties used undue influence over the other, it may render the contract unenforceable. Undue influence occurs when one party has more power or influence over the other person, and it affects the other party`s decision-making process. For example, if a rich uncle pressures his nephew to sign over his inheritance, the contract may not be enforceable.

4. Misrepresentation

If one party makes false statements or intentionally conceals important information about the agreement, it may render the contract unenforceable. For instance, if a seller provides false information about the quality of a product, the buyer may be able to void the contract.

5. Coercion

If one party forces the other to enter into an agreement, the contract may be considered unenforceable. Coercion occurs when one party threatens to harm the other if they do not agree to the contract. For example, if an employer threatens to fire an employee if they do not sign a non-compete agreement, the contract may not be enforced.

In conclusion, there are several reasons why a contract may be deemed unenforceable. It is important to ensure that all parties have the capacity to enter into an agreement, that the subject matter is legal, and that there is no undue influence, misrepresentation, or coercion involved. By keeping these factors in mind when entering into a contract, you can protect yourself and ensure that your agreements are legally enforceable.