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This Agreement Enter into Force


When it comes to legal documents, the language used can often be confusing and convoluted. One common phrase that can cause confusion is “this agreement enter into force.” This phrase is often used to indicate the date on which a contract or other legal agreement becomes valid and enforceable. However, the language used can often be unclear, leaving many people unsure of what exactly is meant.

To begin with, it`s important to understand that the phrase “this agreement enter into force” is not properly worded. Grammatically speaking, the phrase is missing a subject and a verb. Instead, a more accurate way to express this concept would be “this agreement shall enter into force” or “this agreement takes effect on.”

In legal terms, the phrase “enters into force” is often used to signify the moment at which a treaty or other international agreement becomes legally binding. However, this usage is less common in contracts and other legal documents, where simpler language is often preferred. In most cases, a contract will simply state the date on which it becomes effective, without using the phrase “enters into force.”

If you do come across the phrase “this agreement enter into force” in a legal document, it`s important to read the context carefully to understand its exact meaning. In most cases, the phrase simply indicates the date on which the agreement becomes legally enforceable. However, it may also be used to indicate other conditions that must be met before the agreement becomes effective.

As a professional, it`s important to ensure that legal documents are written clearly and accurately to avoid confusion and misunderstandings. This includes reviewing phrases like “this agreement enter into force” and making sure they are properly worded and used in the appropriate context. By doing so, you can help ensure that legal documents are understood and enforced as intended.